They saw a young woman come out of the house to hang clothes on a line. 他们看到一个年轻女子从屋里出来把衣服晾在绳子上。
And the woman of Tekoah said unto the king, My lord, O king, the iniquity be on me, and on my father's house: and the king and his throne be guiltless. 提哥亚妇人又对王说,我主我王,愿这罪归我和我父家,与王和王的位无干。
Another Negro woman of her health and age would have been expected to carry the paper sacks home in one hand, but Momma said," Sister Flowers, I'll send Bai-ley up to your house with these things. " 换了另外一个同她身体情况和年龄相当的黑人妇女就会一只手把纸袋拎回家去,但奶奶却说,“弗劳尔斯大姐,让贝利帮你把东西送回家去。”
The following day, the woman's de facto partner set up a video camera in an effort to capture evidence of paranormal activity in the house, but had forgotten to turn it off. 第二天这名女子的事实配偶即男孩的父亲在家中安装了摄像机,目的是想抓住有关灵异事件的证据,结果忘记关掉摄像机。
In Arthur Conan Doyles original Sherlock Holmes stories, Watson was engaged to a woman named Mary Morstan who had died by the time that Holmes revealed his survival at Reichenbach Falls in The Adventure Of The Empty House. 在阿瑟柯南道尔的福尔摩斯原著中,华生与一个叫玛丽摩斯坦的女子订婚,不过在故事《空屋历险记》中福尔摩斯揭露自己在莱辛巴赫瀑布假死之谜时,玛丽摩斯坦已经去世。
As she stood there, a woman came out of the next-door house. 她正站在那儿时,从邻居家出来一位妇女。
'Do you think it would be sensible for a woman to go at that time of night into the house of an unmarried man?'she asked. 您想,一个女人在夜间的那个时候到一个单身汉的家里明智吗?她问道。
Yes, there was the computer running in the kitchen while the woman of the house prepared dinner. 是的,厨房里开着一台电脑,女主人在准备晚饭。
This put the woman at ease, and the two of them talked at length in the driveway about the house. 这让那个女人放松下来,他们两个人就在车道上谈了很长时间这座房子的事情。
From her elevated position the exhausted woman could perceive the roof of the house below. 现在这位疲乏的女人,在她那种居高临下的地势上,能看见下面那所小房子的后檐。
I believed that I should lose nothing by it, nor did the woman of the house fail to find her account in it. 我相信我不会因此有什么损失的,那个女房东也没有忘记从中谋利。
An old woman rushed out of the house on fire and squalled. 一个年老妇女从失火的房子里冲了出来大声地喊叫。
The woman Transo went and seated herself next to the man Transo, they seemed so conversant as if they were a pair of lovers coming out from the same house. 女常潮来到男常潮身边坐下来,他们像今天早晨从家中一道出发的恋人一样平静而默契。
However, the woman kept a small number of backyard chickens, allowed into the house at night. 但是,该妇女在庭院养有少量鸡,晚上宿在家中。
Another woman, Fatima Ibrahim, said her son-in-law quarreled with his wife and daughters and threw them out of the house. 另外一名名叫法特马的妇女声称,一次他的女婿和妻子吵架,他将他的妻子和女儿赶出了家里;
And they shall not marry a widow or a divorced woman but shall take virgins from the offspring of the house of Israel, or a widow who is the widow of a priest. 结44:22不可娶寡妇和被休的妇人为妻.可娶以色列后裔中的处女、是祭司遗留的寡妇。
I told her I was shy of speaking, for the woman of the house looked stranger, or at least, I thought so. 我对她说我不好意思说出来,这家的主妇对我疏远起来,至少我是这样感觉的。